Online Embodiment Conference

Dear Voice Body Mind Community, I’m delighted to be one of many speakers at the 2020 Embodiment Conference, October 14 – 25, and share with you this opportunity to participate.  Teachers across the globe will be offering their practical skills and…

Are you Using Food to Cope?

Are you Using Food to Cope?

Has hibernation combined with stress changed your relationship with Food or exacerbated old patterns?

Learn some simple strategies for taking charge of your eating and boost your immune system as a side benefit!


A donation based grocery delivery service that sources produce from local farms via Farm Fresh RI; they source dry goods and canned goods through wholesale providers. Visit the link below to place your order!

3 Simple Ways to Calm the Body

3 Simple Ways to Calm the Body

Fear is experienced in the body as well as the mind. For this reason we need to find ways to calm our bodies in order to help quiet our thoughts. Stated differently, if we can calm our body we can help calm our mind.

The Gifts of Mindfulness

The Gifts of Mindfulness

It’s an opportunity to learn how to be with your emotions without needing to distract or numb or medicate. To learn how to take a pause between the urge for food (or the itch on your nose) and the old, automatic reaction. And in that pause, to discover the freedom that comes with being able to make a choice.

Befriending the Unknown

Befriending the Unknown

Paula Sager shares a contemplative practice of embodied awareness in solidarity with all who are quarantined or choosing to stay safe in place. If you don’t have access to a candle or matches, you can substitute the moon, or light coming through a window, or an empty chair, or a little stone, or …

Coping in a Time of Uncertainty

One of the most basic needs we have as humans is to feel safe – psychologically and physically. Yet many of us are experiencing once simple tasks, such going to the grocery store, as unsafe in our current environment. Without knowing it, our deepest survival responses may be activated in the face of the invisible threat posed by Covid-19.